Wednesday, March 07, 2007

9 stone 12 (day 2)

Breakfast 181kcals
1 large boiled egg 77kcals
1 slice Warburtons white bread, toasted 79kcals
I Laughing Cow Light cheese triangle 25kcals

Lunch 450kcals
Small Parma ham sandwich, salad, choc finger

Dinner 360kcals
M&S Count on Us lasagne

TOTAL 991 kcal

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

9 stone 12

At last!
Two weeks in - weight loss so far 5lb

Breakfast 201kcals
1 large boiled egg 77kcals
2 slices grilled bacon 124

Lunch 380kcals
M&S Prawn cocktail salad

Satsuma 35 kcals
1 fat-free yogurt 100 kcals

Dinner 450kcals
Waitrose PB cottage pie 70kcal
50g peas 35kcal
gravy 30 kcal

100ml white wine into spritzer 82 kcals

TOTAL 1248kcal

Monday, March 05, 2007

10 stone 0

Breakfast 181kcals
1 large boiled egg 77kcals
1 slice Warburtons white bread, toasted 79kcals
I Laughing Cow Light cheese triangle 25kcals

Lunch 340kcals
Soup and bread

Dinner 520kcals
Salmon bento box, miso soup, green tea

TOTAL 1041 kcal

Saturday, March 03, 2007

9 stone 13 (day 3)

4lbs in two weeks is not great really, epsecially for the beginning of a new plan.

Breakfast 214 kcal
3 Helen Browning mini chipolatas 137
I poached egg 77

Lunch 000kcals

Dinner 000kcals

TOTAL 214 kcal

Friday, March 02, 2007

9 stone 13 (day 2)

Breakfast 178 kcal
30g bowl of Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

Lunch 183kcals
1/2 horrid sandwich

4pm snack
80g fresh crab 90kcal
1 Ryvita 41 kcal
1 Laughing cow light triangle 25 kcal

Dinner 300kcals
200g cauliflower - 180
50g penne - 50
100g fresh tomato sauce - 30
10g Parmesan - 40
dried chilli flakes and garlic

2 small glasses wine 200 kcals

TOTAL 1017 kcal

Thursday, March 01, 2007

9 stone 13

Ok, this loss may just be dehydration after my wine tasting. Tomorrow will tell!

Breakfast 178 kcal
30g bowl of Kellog's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

Pepperami mini 38kcal

Lunch 435kcals
Super naturals thai beef curry with coconut rice

Dinner 560kcals
Mini fish thali 440kcals
small glass of wine 120

TOTAL 1221 kcal